
Another Update to EU4’s Victorum Universalis and BC Server

The New Mongolia is a threat to every nation.

Only a week after we posted out last big update, the Victorum Universalis Mod team has released another update to their latest version, Table of Ranks. As a result, we quickly integrated the latest changes into the BC Server built and have released or updated version as well. This focus of this update was on changes to the Pax Mongolica event as well as general housekeeping updates to keep things running smoothly.

This is our quick list of all features that were implemented in the latest update. A post similar to our last one will likely be coming once we’ve had a chance to playtest the changes on the next multiplayer cycle. So there’s more to come on this.

Full Changelog

These updates focus on the Mongolian expansion, loosely referred to as the Pax Mongolica. However, the changes are extensive updates to numerous other areas that have been on the list for a while now but never addressed.

General Updates:

  • Changed Dev Requirements for Empire Rank
  • Changed vassal integration to 50 years
  • Allowing War of the Roses to happen multiple times (instead of replicating the whole bloody thing for the various dynastic updates)
  • Added Strong Marches estate privilege to nobility.
  • Fixed some additional early colonist issues.
  • Fully removed trebuchet mercenary unit from the game.
  • Changed the way moderator capabilities are handled, so the Game Moderator doesn’t have to manually reconfigure it each time.
  • Moved the Leer claims to the 1215 start.
  • Removed the Leon heir event.  Castile seems to have enough of an advantage to create this without it, and weakens Leon to a point where the Almohads focus on them.
  • Adjusted Japan’s Daimyo configuration to more correctly size the various states and power holding.
  • Ainu will now expand without restriction but is limited in how much territory it can occupy until the renaissance period.
  • Nicaea can now re-claim Latin Empire territory in search of its goal to re-start the Byzantine Empire.
  • Modified the code that configures native territory to be for efficient. Affects Africa and Americas.
  • Pagans can now be released during the proto-protestant period if the Knights aren’t oppressing them actively.
  • Removed Portuguese and Castillian appanage events since it is deprecated.
  • Updated Mamluks to start as Ayyubids.
  • Added the date restrictions back onto the Marinid event.
  • Removed the VOC files.  We will see the impact.

Hundred Years War Updates:

  • Added Scottish Schiltron modifier for wars against English heavy cavalry in the medieval period.
  • Upgraded the French Hundred Years War modifiers to give them a bit more of an advantage.
  • Updated the defensive bonuses for the Hundred Years War.
  • Added an event that allows the moderator to fix Scottish clans that were configured incorrectly.
  • Removed the Habsburg event from admin console (since it works properly now in VU)
  • Changed the Trebuchet event to be more lenient on the AI, so the AI will use it more often.
  • Added all the English accepted cultures.
  • Added Henry III to a reset English history file.

HRE Reforms:

The Fall of Samarkand Event informs Europe that the Mongols are on their way. This event fired on 1233 in the latest playthrough of the Pax Mongolica.
  • Completely updated all the new Imperial Reforms to more appropriate modifiers.  Still needs work though.
  • Interregnum is no longer a required pathway to Reichsreform.
  • Interregnum now correctly identifies the rulers it needs to remove in order to continue the rotating interregnum loop.
  • Added the Styrian and Austrian cores back after the Osterreich merger.  This is due to a case where the real life Babenberg incident cannot cause the same level of chaos since the cores are no longer present.

Mongolia Changes:

  • Added Pax Mongolica Peace Modifier
  • Mongolia can now integrate vassals through war.
  • New vassal state called the Mongolian Kurultai Council of Khans.  This vassal is led my a Khan of the Kurultai under the Great Khan and has a direct seat at the council.
  • Removed the code that changes the Timurids to Tengri in certain circumstances.
  • Added a new (admin triggered) event that will cause Mongolian vassals that have not embraced Tengri as their state religion, to be forced to do so (as was done in real life).  The event sets the previous religion as syncretic.
  • Added a trigger so when the Ilkhanate is ultimately overthrown, it will change to Timurids.
  • Mongolian Khans are more or less independent but required to answer all calls by the Great Khan regardless of their personal situation.
  • Allies of the Mongols can now peacefully join their empire instead of just through war.
  • Samarkand event can be fired if Khwarazmian Empire and Mongolian Empire are at war with each other.  This is only used if the Pax Mongolica event is overdue.
  • Added the ability to re-insert the Ming claims if Song/Jin lost them all through an implosion (since Ming inherits them)
  • Khwarazmian Empire will now become Ilkhanate territory once the Kurultai is held.  That event requires the Khwarazmians to have already fallen.
  • Updated Jin and Song territory to appear once the tributary split happens.
  • Added Kipchaks and Cumans to their respective starting territories.
  • Changed the Yuan Dynasty event to potentially occur anytime after the Jin have been kicked out of northern China.
  • Either Kipchaks or Cumans, once subjugated under a Great Khan, will become the Great Horde and their territory can be annexed, as long as their local rulers agree to follow the local Khan.
  • Added an event for Chagatai, but not yet in use.
  • Updated the Mongol raids event to allow rulers who have low control over their territories to be overthrown and the territory surrender to the Mongols.
  • Mongols will now get automatic raiding CB’s on their neighbors who are not part of the Kurultai.  This even also applies to Kurultai members as well making it doubly lethal.

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