Empire Deluxe Tournament 2020 – Game 3
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Empire Deluxe Tournament 2020 – Game 3

This is our third and final battle of the 2020 tournament.  Due to the performance of our players in the first two games, we elected to try a modified unit database and try some rule variations.  After obtaining unanimous approval, the changes were implemented by the moderator and action started.  With that, this tournament will…

Empire Deluxe Tournament 2020 – Game 2
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Empire Deluxe Tournament 2020 – Game 2

The second game of our Empire Deluxe Tournament 2020 is complete and it is a stalemate.  This round had more set matches declared than Game One and more aggressive expansion during mid-game.  It was the first play through where players used both the horizontal and vertical wrapping in their strategies with naval action taking center…

Empire Deluxe Tournament 2020 – Game 1
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Empire Deluxe Tournament 2020 – Game 1

Our first game of EDT 2020 has been completed and, depending on which player you were watching, it was either a nail biter or a slumberfest.  Our players have already debriefed and declared a winner.  They have started Round 2 which will conclude in the next two days and the results will be posted.  As…

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Empire Deluxe Tournament 2020 – Preliminaries

Today is the start of our yearly Empire Deluxe Championship Tournament.  Played on the final two weeks of every year, the top players from the leader board pit themselves against each other in a moderated game to determine who will carry the title of Empire Champion for the next twelve months. This year’s tournament is…

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Empire Deluxe Tournament Strategy Guide Posted

With our end of year tournament just a month away, the first draft of the re-written tournament rules has been posted to the website.  There is still more to come with this guide, and it still needs proof reading, but it includes 90% of the rule changes needed to move from classic Empire Deluxe to…

Empire Deluxe Tournament 2019 – Week Two

Empire Deluxe Tournament 2019 – Week Two

Week Two saw an equally competitive game with all six players opting to participate in the follow up.  There are some minor changes to the starting locations.  This game would see air power become the deciding factor in victory as well as the return of infantry slogs.  In the end it didn’t matter who chose…

Empire Deluxe Tournament 2019 – Week One

Empire Deluxe Tournament 2019 – Week One

Our opening session saw six players attempting to take control on the Meer Sea.  This is the first time in several years we will have every playable slot filled with a human opponent.  We all expected turns to be longer as more players means more time per round. Moreover, we learned during the preliminaries that…