Modern Units Database – Version 0.0.9a Uploaded

I’ve posted a small update to the Modern Units Database. This is available on EDIBLE or by clicking the download link at the bottom of this post. However, if you aren’t playing a game with space units, this update won’t impact you and can be skipped. To see the changes from the last version, click here.
This update is to fix the “bug” that I uncovered during the recording of the Video Manual. In case you missed that post, I’ve uploaded the recordings I did for the MUD overview as well as my playthrough of the first 75 turns with the set. These videos are very much in a draft state, but posted them anyway in case others find it helpful. I plan to record new/proper ones once the set gets to a more finalized state, which might be approaching sooner rather than later. The reason is that I am doing a live play test this weekend. In fact, it’s the reason behind posting this small update, to ensure everyone has the most up to date version of the set.
The last time we did a play test of this scale, it nearly killed my interest in making future improvements. I have to say that I’m far happier with MUD’s current state, so I am cautiously optimistic this time around. It will also be nice to watch a human vs. human play through in a large-scale game to see how the changes are shaping up.
Change Log:
- Updated all batteries to be placeable on all terrain types. This allows the drop mechanics to work properly.
- Satellites no longer activate when their launch vehicle is launched. The satellite has to be removed from the launch vehicle in order to be activated.
Known Issues:
- The game has been known to crash to desktop in some scenarios where space units are launched or loaded. I advise you to save anytime you are taking an action with a space unit. This specifically refers to launching, loading, unloading, or re-entry.