Modern Units Database – Version 0.0.6 Update
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Modern Units Database – Version 0.0.6 Update

Today is the first update in nine months, and the biggest in over a year, for the Modern Units Database. You can download the updated file on EDIBLE or use the button at the bottom of this post. This update is focused on how recon and satellites work and creates some new dynamics to how…

Tradelands Update – April 2022 Month End Report

Tradelands Update – April 2022 Month End Report

The Tradelands economy did not fare well in April. The economy experienced early growth, but fell sharply following a lackluster release at the end of the month. The final calculation puts the total economic growth at 8.19%, a full point below the expected 9.50% growth rate for April. This under-performance means shareholders lost $1.04M doubloons…

What MUD Tells Us About Ukraine – Phase Two Starts

What MUD Tells Us About Ukraine – Phase Two Starts

Last week, what the media calls “Phase Two” of the War in Ukraine began.  This represents the moment when the Russian offensive switched from a full encirclement of Ukraine into an offensive from the East and represents a complete shift in strategy.  Today, we will continue our analysis of the war and, where applicable, draw…

What MUD Tells Us About Ukraine – Naval Warfare

What MUD Tells Us About Ukraine – Naval Warfare

The ongoing War in Ukraine offers an opportunity to review the accuracy of the Modern Units Database.  At the same time, it gives a unique perspective on what is happening in the war.  Let’s take a look at some of the military events that occurred and see if we can understand what is happening through…

Analyzing the Day One Strategy of the Russian Offensive (2022)

Analyzing the Day One Strategy of the Russian Offensive (2022)

It’s not often that a two modern armies enter conventional warfare in the modern age.  Ever since the Proxy Wars of the Cold War became the norm for modern warfare, one-sided asymmetrical warfare was common.  However, the War in Ukraine has given us the opportunity to review the accuracy of all the statistical projections that…