HD Isometric Polygon Set (HIPS) Uploaded
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HD Isometric Polygon Set (HIPS) Uploaded

I’ve decided to upload the HD Isometric Polygon Set (HIPS) terrain set to EDIBLE.  This set represents the first deviation from my usual graphic style.  I developed the set using a series of high contrast polygons.  At closer zoom levels, you can see the detail in the vector-drawn shapes.  At further zoom levels, the high contrast…

New 128×128 Terrain Tiles In Progress
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New 128×128 Terrain Tiles In Progress

With so many challenges in front of the Advance Wars tiles, I decided to take a different approach.  Rather than a straight up port of the graphics, I’m going to draw a 128×128 version in the spirit of the original graphics.  Here you can see the progress I’ve made so far through a screenshot I…

Status Icons For Units Uploaded
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Status Icons For Units Uploaded

I’ve uploaded the status icons I am using for my new unit tiles on EDIBLE.  I wanted tiles that used the higher definition 128×128 capabilities that were easy to spot from a higher zoom level.  This replace two icons which I didn’t think were very intuitive – the brown triangles for “Dug In” and the…

Space and Structures Unit Tiles Uploaded
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Space and Structures Unit Tiles Uploaded

I’ve uploaded the 128×128 unit tiles for space units and bases/structures. This is the final set I plan to make for these unit tiles.  They use concepts already used in the Rural to Urban city set and the unit icon templates I made in previous posts.  The only addition to this, aside from the unique…

Naval Forces Unit Tiles Uploaded
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Naval Forces Unit Tiles Uploaded

I’ve uploaded the 128×128 unit tiles for naval units.  This contains the largest set of unique icons I have made to-date.  The main challenge is in finding a silhouette that was different enough to identify the ship when zoomed far away. As you will see if you try it yourself, this wasn’t exactly achieved.  However,…

Air Forces Unit Tiles Uploaded
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Air Forces Unit Tiles Uploaded

I’ve uploaded the 128×128 unit tiles for air units.  This is a fairly small set, impacting only 4 of the default units.  However, they had the most status changes of any unit I’ve modeled so far.  The helicopters were the most challenging due to their landing while loading capability.  In play tests, I was able…