Meer Sea Uploaded for Empire Deluxe
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Meer Sea Uploaded for Empire Deluxe

The Meer Sea is a fairly new addition to the Empire Deluxe collection and is now available on EDIBLE.  The world itself is known to us as the Besaren Campaign.  The campaign takes places after the leaders of the great houses are killed under mysterious circumstances during a global conference.  Now six of the lesser…

Empire Deluxe Tournament 2018 – Week Two Finale

Empire Deluxe Tournament 2018 – Week Two Finale

I’m a little late posting the outcome of the final game of the year.  Unfortunately, as we approached 1200 turns, it was clear we weren’t going to have a winner before the end of the holiday.  On the final day we also decided to look back on the saves from earlier games and reminisce.  One…

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The EDIBLE Library Is Coming Back

I’ve decided to use this website to re-create the EDIBLE repository from my old website.  This was my personal repository for Empire Deluxe and the maps I’ve created or collected over the past few years. I maintained this primarily for map transfers between PC’s but it hasn’t been needed in recent years, so I let it lapse. …