Random Earth Map Refresh in Progress
I like to refresh my Earth maps every few years and it looks like now is the perfect time to start my new project. I will be updating the Random Earth Map with the new 2020 census data. Moreover, I have some official sources that updated the extend of the economic impact from COVID which I can incorporate as well.
The current version was made using data from 2018. The world’s economic stage has changed since then, and new post-COVID GDP figures give a far better economic picture than some of the data in the past decade. I am also testing a new method to include a multiplier based on active military spending to see if it helps balance the map for smaller countries.
One note that I got from those who tried the current version is the snow cover is too low. I’ve decided not to update the scripts generating the geographic map for now. Keep in mind this data is generated from real satellite data and, as the two NOAA charts I posted show, it varies day to day. I would have to change the data sources for the snow coverage calculation which is a project I don’t want to undertake right now. Rest assured I know about the issue though.
Lastly, I may post the all-inclusive map once these changes are done. Originally, I was hesitant because I thought the city coverage would cause the map to be unplayable and I have no way of letting players know this (no description for maps). However, enough of you requested that I email a version of the REM map with all the possible combinations that it is easier for me to post it on this site instead.