
Site Update Coming Soon

Over the next few weeks, WoN will be going through a site overhaul.  I’m doing everything I can to ensure the site will retain all of its current features and functionality.  However, I suspect any external links to the site will stop working at some point.  Despite this, I’m making the decision to continue moving forward with the upgrade.

The main change to the website will be to decouple EDIBLE and hopefully make it easier to make updates in the future.  I’m being extra cautious to ensure that none of the existing files are lost in the transition.

On the plus side, the benefits of this change will lead to a far easier and more manageable set of sites.  With the addition of F&BP to the community, I’ve been asked to allow additional contributors which is currently not possible the way the website is structured.  WorldBuilder is currently maintaining this website (I’m posting this through him) and if the amount of content is going to increase, it’s an unfair demand on his time.

Secondly, I like some of the accessibility and mobile features of the set.  The template this website is built on, Pageline, has been defunct for some time and requires a lot of manual coding to keep things running.  The tables and comments sections are particularly problematic, as is the search feature which doesn’t work on mobile.  The fonts are also difficult to read and have to be manually updated in the CSS which is possible, just annoying.  With the new changes, these all appear to be resolved or at least easier to change.

Lastly, I still intend to keep this site as a backup just in case anything happens.  However, once the domain changes over, the only way to access it will be to contact WorldBuilder.  The only way to do that will be with the contact form on the new site.

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