Site Update – October 12, 2022
This week we performed a significant site upgrade. I want to take some time today and report on the direction of the website as well as an overview of the upcoming direction as we head into the final quarter of the year.
What Changed

Most of the changes that were made to the website are backend updates. We improved the site monitoring capabilities which should impact the response time to any outages. We also improved the integration with the media server in anticipation of hosting podcasts in the near future.
On a more visual note, the logo has been updated to the correct one. The old one was a placeholder as the logo I had on file was too pixelated for my comfort as a representation on the web. I finally took the time to update it to a higher definition one. For those who played WoN back in 2016 (it was called Nations of Earth back then) you may recognize the logo used for world events. This is also the logo that appears on the supplemental services such as Discord.
The Promised MUD Perspective Series
On September 30, I announced that a new series called Modern Units Database Perspectives would commence. Despite posting nothing since, I want to assure you this series is still on my radar. The reason I am holding off is because the next posts in that series are still an ongoing operation. I prefer to analyze the details after the end of an operation, especially if it means I will have a new data set to add to the database, so I can compare the results against the previous values.
At present, the next post will be on the counter-offensive in Luhansk. I also have another post drafted around Kherson which will build on my previous analysis on Russia’s decision not to abandon the western bank of the Dniper River, especially considering it’s current manpower issues.
Site Focus Going Forward
The F&BP Company’s website remains the top performing site at the Worlds of Nations. Despite this, I expect the number of updates being made to the website to slow down. We have a number of other activities ongoing that will occupy time and website bandwidth. We will continue to run the daily price guide and stock exchange data and publish them as needed.
The biggest event that will occupy time is the annual Empire Deluxe Tournament. This year we have been ramping up our efforts in attempt to publicly stream the event, instead of making it an internal event only. I don’t know if we will actually do that this year, based on how comfortable our players are, but having the option available is the goal.
Lastly, lets welcome the newest member of the Worlds of Nations, The Global Baseball Federation. This new group went live earlier this week. While the site is still in its infancy, the group has been around and active for decades. If you are interested in watching how a long-term fantasy keeper league operates, keep an eye on this site as they continue to add content.
What Comes Next
The next few months promise to be very busy. There is a lot in our backlog of content and not enough time to complete all of it. If you stay tuned into this journal page, we should eventually get to all of it eventually.