Empire Nation – Map of Adomaxia
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Empire Nation – Map of Adomaxia

Adomaxia is the setting of the upcoming 2022 Empire Deluxe Tournament and is available on EDIBLE or using the link at the bottom of this post. If you are not comfortable downloading from this domain, the map will also be posted to the in-game map repository just prior to the start of the tournament. The…

Battle of Snake Island – A Modern Units Database Perspective

Battle of Snake Island – A Modern Units Database Perspective

I am quite a bit behind on providing updates on the War in Ukraine so I am going to focus the next few weeks to the conflict since a lot has happened recently.  Today’s update will focus on the re-capture of Snake Island, which is a morale win for Ukraine, if not a strategic one….

Modern Units Database – Version 0.0.9a Uploaded
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Modern Units Database – Version 0.0.9a Uploaded

I’ve posted a small update to the Modern Units Database.  This is available on EDIBLE or by clicking the download link at the bottom of this post.  However, if you aren’t playing a game with space units, this update won’t impact you and can be skipped. To see the changes from the last version, click…

Tradelands – Changes To The Premium Vendor

Tradelands – Changes To The Premium Vendor

Earlier this week, there was an announcement posted by the game developer regarding changes to meet Roblox’s new policies for age restrictions as well as meet new government restrictions imposed on games internationally.  Normally we would defer these types of updates to other news channels. But this one has a potential impact on the in-game…

September 2022 Mapscript Update
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September 2022 Mapscript Update

We’ve completed a major update to the back-end of the mapscript. This change is mostly for a future API integration into Empire Deluxe Combined Edition. We are happy to report that the mapscripts appear to be working as intended, with the upgrade taking less than 20 minutes to complete. In addition to the mapscript, the…

Modern Units Database – Version 0.0.8a Update
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Modern Units Database – Version 0.0.8a Update

The next iteration of the Modern Units Database is now updated on EDIBLE. You can find it here or you can use the download link at the bottom of this post. The full change log is available further in this post. This update focuses on upgrading the space game as well as adjusting the way…