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Empire Deluxe Tournament Strategy Guide Posted

With our end of year tournament just a month away, the first draft of the re-written tournament rules has been posted to the website.  There is still more to come with this guide, and it still needs proof reading, but it includes 90% of the rule changes needed to move from classic Empire Deluxe to the new streaming Combined Edition tournament for 2020.

It’s important to note that this is a living document and is expected to have changes as times goes on.  The majority of the rules that have changed are available but not all of the tournament strategy guide has been copied across.  I am having to do this manually as the electronic version of the old tournament rules were lost a few years back.  I only have the hard copies left.

The biggest change to our tournament rules is moderation.  This year will change the role from being an administrative one to an active participant in game activities.  This is due to EDCE’s inability to capture game snapshots the way ED did, meaning we will have to calculate the scoring in real time as the game progresses.  If we are able to find a more effective way to handle this before the tournament starts, then the document will be updated accordingly.

Lastly, this is a draft.  Expect some typos and some missing information.  If anyone notices glaring mistakes, they can leave a reply on this thread and I will address it.

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