Modern Units Ground Set (MUGS) Uploaded
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Modern Units Ground Set (MUGS) Uploaded

I have uploaded the Modern Units – Ground Set (MUGS).  This is a 128×128 24bpp that uses the same template layout as my previous unit sets.  There are over 150 tiles in this set, split across 50 different unit types.  The set also includes some clean tiles to make it easier to create your own…

EDUT Readiness Integrated with Levels Set (RaILS) Uploaded
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EDUT Readiness Integrated with Levels Set (RaILS) Uploaded

I’ve uploaded the Readiness Integrated with Levels Set (RaILS) set for EDUT.  It is available on EDIBLE.  This is a 128×128 24bpp graphic that changes the readiness bars into three circular icons.  This is one of the core components to the EDUT template and the final component of the set.  In the near future I…

HD Isometric Polygon Set (HIPS) Uploaded
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HD Isometric Polygon Set (HIPS) Uploaded

I’ve decided to upload the HD Isometric Polygon Set (HIPS) terrain set to EDIBLE.  This set represents the first deviation from my usual graphic style.  I developed the set using a series of high contrast polygons.  At closer zoom levels, you can see the detail in the vector-drawn shapes.  At further zoom levels, the high contrast…

New 128×128 Terrain Tiles In Progress
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New 128×128 Terrain Tiles In Progress

With so many challenges in front of the Advance Wars tiles, I decided to take a different approach.  Rather than a straight up port of the graphics, I’m going to draw a 128×128 version in the spirit of the original graphics.  Here you can see the progress I’ve made so far through a screenshot I…